When does filming one’s neighbor require a police officer to draw his sidearm? Don McComas, a Rohnert Park resident, was outside his home, hooking his boat up to his SUV, when he noticed a police officer observing is house. McComas began filming when it appeared that his license plate was being called in. What happened next makes utterly no sense.
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Nope. Only lawful commands – perhaps you should check out the cons$#%&!@*ution- maybe a little case law.
Sven Opolis you are so right. You’re only resisting arrest only if you’re under arrest. And clearly he wasn’t charged with anything Neal Kirkman so how is he resisting
Oh, forgot to mention…. What law did we see here? You saw an enforcer, unfortunately far too many don’t know the law or how to talk with a person with out escalating a non-situation into a near death experience.
Sadly the cops are pushing the public to defensive position’s where leathal force will be used to repel invading officers hope we see them back off there over bearing control freak tactics soon otherwise there will be more blood in the streets
fire this cop
If cops can video citizens then citizens have the right to do the same and make sure these guys are not breaking their own laws,get a clue people!!!
@[1130262231:2048:Kenneth Schiwart]
He’s holding the camera with one hand and pointing with the other, so unless he has three hands….
He was wrong for going there and pulling pistol you were wrong for having your hand in your pants period doesnt help anyone if you are shot making a point
Someone pulls a gun on me he is dead.. Self defense..