When does filming one’s neighbor require a police officer to draw his sidearm? Don McComas, a Rohnert Park resident, was outside his home, hooking his boat up to his SUV, when he noticed a police officer observing is house. McComas began filming when it appeared that his license plate was being called in. What happened next makes utterly no sense.
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If you’re walking the street and a cop asks to see your hands, is not unreasonable to comply if you’ve done nothing wrong. But if a cop rolled up and pulled a gun on me while I was ON MY OWN PROPERTY, that cop would be dead.
Looks to me like two stupid morons testing their wings. People wind up dead doing this c**p, I’ve seen it. There is no winner here, only to stupid losers.
Thats was blatant, intimidation! No matter the what ifs……cop said he had no cause to draw his weapon…he said that ir someone would have got arrested.
The cop knew he was wrong or he wouldn’t have finally backed off and left
Cons$#%&!@*utionalist crazy guy, i like that lol.
So, people who value freedoms, namely not being detained and har$#%&!@*ed by authorities without suspect or cause, are now being called crazy cons$#%&!@*utionalists?
You never know the reason why! Example I have done nothing wrong, and I drive transportation service (cab) in the wake of someone who watched America’s most wanted, these people were in my town and happen to get in my cab, I resembled the man that they saw on the show who murdered his parents. Well being good citizens they called the hot line, and the FBI came to the office, my manager called me in and they did their job! I was eliminated and they went about their business! But in todays disrespectful America nobody thinks that a cop should be looking at them right or wrong!
Then go make the arrest
You answer to law
What happened before the recording started. Mmm