When does filming one’s neighbor require a police officer to draw his sidearm? Don McComas, a Rohnert Park resident, was outside his home, hooking his boat up to his SUV, when he noticed a police officer observing is house. McComas began filming when it appeared that his license plate was being called in. What happened next makes utterly no sense.
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Bravo!! good for you guy!!!, they give the good ones a bad name
The truth is he actually never entered his property because he unlike y’all he knows the law. He was on the road and when he went between the vehicle and the trailer he was still on the right of way. There is always 3 feet on his so called property that has utilities buried and legally belongs to the state not him. If you are going to accuse someone of breaking the law you might want to study the law ole boy. Ouch burns don’t it. Now what have you been arrested for that put you against the law officer. Ouch burnt again.
One can only surmise that the phone camera may have well saved his life!
Neal doesn’t know what he’s talking about. I have the right to refuse unlawful orders, which is what this was. I also have the right to defend myself with lethal force against unlawful arrest. Learn your rights.
What is this country comming to, a man standing on the street anda cop pulls his gun and intemates him
Cops like this make it hard for the good ones.
I left out a word, but you get my drift.
There is a law about anyone using a weapon in the matter he used as intimidation. There is a fine and imprisonment. Just because he has a badge and gun don’t mean he is above the law. He showed up and was confrontational with the man who as I see didn’t do anything wrong to provoke a gun being drawn. The man did obey the police officer. He put a phone and keys on the hood and continued to film the illegal actions by that police officer. Now I know why cops are being shot. They think they are above the law. Police department won’t do anything to hold that officer accountable for his actions. Protected by the union, and lawyers. A bunch of b.s.. that man should be in prison for pulling that weapon. Just like Obama needs to be arrested for treason to the United States of America and for bringing war to America.
so many here should not even be commenting. you know NOTHING of law.