When does filming one’s neighbor require a police officer to draw his sidearm? Don McComas, a Rohnert Park resident, was outside his home, hooking his boat up to his SUV, when he noticed a police officer observing is house. McComas began filming when it appeared that his license plate was being called in. What happened next makes utterly no sense.
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Cops need to understand that this is a dynamic system, and that the less respect they show ordinary citizens, the more dangerous their jobs become. I suspect most cop killers have been har$#%&!@*ed repeatedly. Then the cops cry about the injustice of the whole thing. I have known many cops and most of them are good people, and ALL the smart cops have got to be on the side of being respectful and professional. It makes everyone safer and happier.
Prime example of why so many cops have been killed lately.
Wrong, the so called officer is a idiot!
I saw this Bear. I don’t like to second guess an officers actions because you can’t see in this video what the other guy is doing. But he was asked repeatedly to show his hand. Sounds to me as the guy doing the video is almost provoking a response from the officer. Not a smart move on his part. Ive been there back when I worked the streets.
Looks like mr douchbag officer had a few cold ones before his shift!!!
Paul Greenwood
What was the guy with the video camera doing to get that response?
Neal cops die in Vermont if they power Tripp people
Ron, u give some great laughs. I never once defended either party, but I have Shirley had the man’s boot on my neck before, which I truly doubt u have, regardless, if u have the opportunity to avoid it, why wouldn’t you?
He revealed his hands so the weapon did not need to remain un holstered. Officer ran his plates why? He was on his own property
Stupid people get all kinds of jobs…. The “officer” had no pc to even say anything. This cop needs to retire.
Should there be service limits on officers? When they get old and the “mad cop syndrome” creeps in they need to go….