When does filming one’s neighbor require a police officer to draw his sidearm? Don McComas, a Rohnert Park resident, was outside his home, hooking his boat up to his SUV, when he noticed a police officer observing is house. McComas began filming when it appeared that his license plate was being called in. What happened next makes utterly no sense.
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Cop asks if he is a cons$#%&!@*utionalst .
He should’ve been tackled by about 12 neighbors in the community that could make a citizens arrest there was no reason for him to draw a weapon that was an illegal move and uncons$#%&!@*utional move and definitely has nothing to do with procedure the man was standing on his own property, without probable calls which you did not have you were tresp$#%&!@*ing
Clearly u r wrongo. All he has to say is he felt u were acting su$#%&!@*iously, which can b 100% fabrication. But with all the anti-cop sentiment how could u blame the Leo? The minute he (filming) refused then he WAS resistant… Grounds to get dirt in ur noses!
@[100000101417942:2048:Frank Chavez]
Cop is WRONG!
Crazy cons$#%&!@*utionalists? Wow ,when cops are saying those things we are in trouble.
is the public understanding the gigantic police problem we have yet? This is bigger than “just a few bad apples”
And to all of you commenting about his history, how stupid are you? He’s obviously trying to bring corrupt police officers to the forefront, that is not illegal
why do our least intelligent always defend out of control police?
Protect and Serve was never shown by that man dressed as an officer
I would call it taunting and wreck less behavior and very unprofessional on the
Officers part
This person has no business working in law enforcement IMO