When does filming one’s neighbor require a police officer to draw his sidearm? Don McComas, a Rohnert Park resident, was outside his home, hooking his boat up to his SUV, when he noticed a police officer observing is house. McComas began filming when it appeared that his license plate was being called in. What happened next makes utterly no sense.
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If you ask me they both were wrong
I was a state officer for over 10 years.the officer in this video did not follow protocol.the man made no advance towards him and did not act in an aggressive manner.I do not approve of his actions
My son is an officer as well and your wrong and he’s nearing retirement maybe you should find a job you can understand better
Officer asked citizen if he was one of those cons$#%&!@*utionalist crazy people or something. Wow. So if your for the cons$#%&!@*ution your a nut job now. Guess I’m insane !
Your son is an officer so that makes you an expert on the law?? I’m not here to insult anyone. I do, however, have a hard time understanding when de escalation of a situation became a nonexistent policy for police officers. Working on the defense side of the law, I have come to believe the entire goal of any officer is to have everyone in Americas DNA and fingerprints on file. I see too many situations of blatant disregard for the rules by officers and prosecutors. The problem is by the time the truth comes out, they already have what they need. In Ohio, it is law that when arrested for a felony, guilty or not, DNA collection is immediate. This accomplishes their goal without a conviction ever being necessary.
A very merry unbirthday to you!
After watching this bs.. I am removing myself from this copblock bs page
When he refused to take his hands out of his pocket and said he wouldn’t .that it was for his protection.i would’ve taken that as a statement saying I have a weapon
There is not enough background info here. Was the man on his own property or was he stealing the boat? Has there been thefts in the neighborhood? Maybe the officer knows more about that neighborhood than anyone posting on this sight. The officer has the right to his own safety and asking someone to reveal their hidden hand is not unreasonable. Everyone is just posting their biased views and that’s what I love about social media. Very entertaining.