Just when you think that arrogant government leaders couldn’t do more to insult taxpayers, a growing number of cities are creating funds to pay for the legal defense of illegal immigrants facing deportation.
More jurisdictions are moving ahead with such plans, even at a time when cities and taxpayers are under heavy pressure from budget woes.
Sacramento is the latest city on the bandwagon, with City Council voting last Thursday to withdraw $300,000 from the general fund to provide “urgent legal and support services” to families facing separation because of the deportation of family members.
Under the U.S. Constitution, illegal immigrants are not entitled to the same legal rights as United States citizens. Those being held for deportation have the right to a hearing before an immigration judge and can be represented by a lawyer.
Unlike a criminal proceeding, the government is not required to pay for that legal representation.
Learn which cities are creating programs to underwrite the legal expenses for illegals and how some opponents are reacting on the next page.
any city who does that, should lose all Federal Money and let them suffer
Cut off all money’s quite foolin around !!!!
With our money
Only in America can idiot politician see a need to pay for their defense – they are criminals and only American have right under the Constitution except when the idiots in the Supreme Court subverse the clear text meaning!
No cure for stupidity
Troy*** These Liberals are determined to break the US, and turn us into beggars, our taxes are meant to help the US and it’s citizens, not defend lawbreakers, that are non citizens!
They are all too willing to have the taxpayers pay for it!!! BS
and then when the money is all gone they will cry that they are tapped out why because they gave it all to the lawyers
Pure bull$#%&!@*, not leaders traitors to thr country!
Let me get this right. Citizens have to fork out their own hard earned money to pay legal fees but a non-citizens get their legal fees paid for with our tax dollars. I’m sorry but this does not make sence. If a non-citizens can’t afford their own legal fees maybe they are not a productive member of society and should be sent back home to their own country.