A CIA spokesman just stated that the ISIS can muster between 20,000 and 31,500 fighters – and Obama just announced he’d send in a few hundred….as advisers.
It seems that the previous figure of 10,000 has been eclipsed because of the Islamic State declaring a caliphate, which has pulled in more members from around the world.
But that figure was obviously known to Obama. Still, he introduces a flimsy plan to handle these psychotics.
Click the link below for more info:
because Obama doesn’t want rid of his Brothers
Hamas is not a terrorist organization? Are you insane kittycat s where? Who in the hell built the tunnels? With money intended to improve the lives of the people they are supposedly protecting? Chopping off heads and abducting Israelis also seems to lend itself to terrorist organization.
Almost seems like it’s a plan.
He doesn’t want to hurt his relatives
He is ISIS
he is sending a death squad to die and that is all, he should send enough men tp get the job done or stay out completely, do not send our young men over there just to die so he can say at least I tried when the number of men he is sending is not trying to do anything but getting them killed.
because Obama don’t won’t to his brothers killed
Great Plan…..#assclown
Black or white people!! There is no gray area here!! He was wrong, wrong, wrong!! Fire him…………no suspension…………no dragging it out! Make an example out him…………….PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is he buying ISIS some time? Does it have anything to do with biblical prophecy??? Wake up!!!!