A CIA spokesman just stated that the ISIS can muster between 20,000 and 31,500 fighters – and Obama just announced he’d send in a few hundred….as advisers.
It seems that the previous figure of 10,000 has been eclipsed because of the Islamic State declaring a caliphate, which has pulled in more members from around the world.
But that figure was obviously known to Obama. Still, he introduces a flimsy plan to handle these psychotics.
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5 air strike a day average…..really. That’s considered good? Casualties win battles not words. Wingtip to wingtip air strikes. All day, all night. Sympathy will kill many more people than strong swift victory.
I look at Muslims more suspiciously today than I did after 911.. Maybe if they spoke up against ISIS, HAMAS and other terrorist groups I’d feel differently but besides a few segments here and there on Fox News.. They say nothing… Hmmmm.. Makes one wonder
Hi im muslim and i dont like isis terrist
hamas is not a terrorist hemas defended there country thats all
Hi im muslim and im speaking out
Obviously it is a distraction strategy not meant to succeed, but incubate a worse problem, so he and his cronies can continue to “rule by crisis.”
What I’m worried about more than anything is the jail population in the US has become majority Muslim in the past decade.. No one talks about that now do they?
send obana over there
Because he’s a filthy POS muslim.
Cause isis is all Obama and his sons!