A CIA spokesman just stated that the ISIS can muster between 20,000 and 31,500 fighters – and Obama just announced he’d send in a few hundred….as advisers.
It seems that the previous figure of 10,000 has been eclipsed because of the Islamic State declaring a caliphate, which has pulled in more members from around the world.
But that figure was obviously known to Obama. Still, he introduces a flimsy plan to handle these psychotics.
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Because he REALLY doesn’t care!!! He’s probably brought all this c**p on us on purpose!!!! He has done NOTHING that I can tell to benefit our country in any way since he took office…I STILL can’t even believe he got re-elected (which he probably “rigged” as well in his favor)….the sooner we get rid of this “virus” the better!!!!!!
Obama’s a muslin. It must be tearing his heart out to be sending air strikes against his own people… Allah will never forgive him.
Obama is brain dead
get all illegles
Do you want America Soldiers to die…
That this country allows him to do what he does is more the problem than the problem is!
It’s in his name
Obama holds China and Russia in his right hand, radical Islam in his left, and we my friend are in between them. Obama is pushing the buttons of our enemies and allowing radical Islam to spread. The bottom line is he wants us destroyed.
He’s trying to get them over here, he surely doesn’t want them killed!
Nonsense… He doesn’t want us destroyed… Lol… He’s just a community organizer and way out of his league… 2 years and he’s history…. And if a republican does a terrible job like he is I’ll be complaining about that too.. When Isis is put to rest, they’ll be another group then another and another.. Get used to wars… They are here to stay..