Many Americans have no doubt that the world’s economy is run by a group of elite global bankers, but if you’re still on the fence about whether or not that’s true, perhaps it’s time you looked into something called Triffin’s dilemma.
Robert Triffin was a Belgian economist, who was regarded as one of the leading authorities on gold, currencies and the international monetary system during his career. Triffin’s dilemma is the key to understanding the future of the international monetary system. Who would have figured that the future would be found in the past?
Read more on the NEXT PAGE.
Poverty and servitude. We all know what they want
fuc it find them and kill them
Nothing you hear is as bad as the truth. Big Brother is starting a world wide WAR to insure the rise of a New World Order. Race against race and faith against faith with the new UN Police to ‘restore the peace’. Following Orders will cripple most of us, protesters will be put down, this nation will fall. No other nation can offer the resistance that the armed and united American citizenry can muster. The NWO must start HERE! But understand the We are just the hinge most in need of oil, America is not the Prize. New WORLD Order. We, The People are not going to be allowed to join in, not that We would want to, but we won’t be able to resist because they have us so busy fighting ourselves, and so ‘need’ peace restored. We must begin to gather arms, supplies, and Knowledge, to discuss the future with friends and family, all who you believe might be trusted race, color, creed be damned. We must tend to that network of friends and encourage them to do so as well. Have all of them do the same. Hell, try to make new friends in other states. To know people who know people who know people means one phone call can stir a LOT of coals. Spread the word and wait. Let our Owners tell us when We, The People need to remind them why their kind of folks decided to leave US to ourselves the last time. And should I be mad, or simply mistaken, what harm can there be in ALL of We, The People encouraging Unity and preparedness? Copy and paste this everywhere it might draw friendly eye.
Nothing new – just very old news
Yeah the so called Illuminati and Bilderberg group and all the others planning to kill us all and rule the world.
If you voted for Obama in the two elections congratulations you have done your part in sealing Americas fate, have a good day.
To stop it fight it