People used to make fun of conservatives for worrying about communists taking over the nation, but one might already be in a very important, very dangerous position of power.
No, not Barack Obama (although given his far-left policies, I can’t blame you for thinking of him), but his CIA director John Brennan. It may sound like something out of a 1950’s conspiracy thriller, but the CIA chief admitted to once supporting the Communist Party.
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Corruption needs cleaned up now!!
And he is a muslim brotherhood member, a muslim.
The communists always said they would take us over from within. We have the foxes guarding the hen houses.
Doesnt surprise me
Scary when you see how many citizens take up the communist way
DC needs to be rid of the,anti Americans
an obama stooge and traitor.
Why are you surprised? His also a muslim in disguise.
Obama has filled the highest levels of the Federal government with anti-American, Muslim following, criminals, bent on destroying the United States…!