People used to make fun of conservatives for worrying about communists taking over the nation, but one might already be in a very important, very dangerous position of power.
No, not Barack Obama (although given his far-left policies, I can’t blame you for thinking of him), but his CIA director John Brennan. It may sound like something out of a 1950’s conspiracy thriller, but the CIA chief admitted to once supporting the Communist Party.
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Was he on his knees waiting for the well deserved SHOT to the head? One never knows!
According to the Congressional Record, the Democratic Party publicly became and merged with the American Communist Party in 1996.
Time for him to go.
This is wrong.
Hang him for treason
Well when your chioces suck you vote for the lesser of three evils….
What has happened to patriotism and loyalty. A large portion of our government officials are communist, socialist, Muslim. Where are the true Americans that believe in democracy and the Constitution? This is so disheartening.
Fire this puke