The liberal establishment seems to have a selective memory when it comes to Donald Trump’s newly unveiled immigration ban.
Last year, congress passed a bipartisan bill that would have limited immigration from terror-compromised countries in the Middle East. The legislation sailed through the House on a 289-137 vote — a total that included 47 Democrats in favor. The bill was stalled only once Obama promised to veto the legislation.
Despite the fact that that legislation and Trump’s latest executive action are largely similar, the left have already begun to attack Trump for the move. It seems anything that comes from Trump is unacceptable to Democrats — even if it was something they supported less than a year ago.
But the harshest condemnation might have come from Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. See what he had to say about Trump’s plan on the next page:
His buddy Hillary lost. He needs to get on board to make America safe.
Some Obama tears
Chelsea Schumer now?
Tears of joy!
Peeling onions
He’s a snowflake more flakey though.
Oh these poor ‘tards, what short memories they have. Their iconic hero FDR not only sent thousand of Americans to Concentration Camps and let their property be stolen but he also banned the immigration of Jews to America – period. Barry the Bomber used the same law Trump is using to ban Iraqi immigrants for 6 months while Trump only wants 3 months to give the system a break to reevaluate itself. And while this Democrat P.O.S. goes after Trump for putting a temporary halt to immigrants from 7 Muslim countries he fully backs anything that the Jewish State of Israel feels like doing to Muslims from these same countries. The guy is a hypocritical jackass.
Whats the difference between Tom Brady N,E quarterback and Chuckie the cockroach Schumer???????? Brady is a Patriot and a WINNER!!!
“Chuck, she’s been crying.”