The end of an era, Christmas in Washington, will not return for its 34th season. Three decades and five administrations have enjoyed the Christmas holiday special which featured many celebrities over the years.
Last year’s show, was the end of a 15-year partnership with TNT and veteran producer George Stevens Jr and son, Michael. The father/son duo were ousted as the producers of the Kennedy Center Honors gala, and were in search for a new broadcast partner. No new network partner was found, making the 2014 Christmas show the last.
This Christmas special benefited the Children’s National Health System. The Stevens Company produced the show since 1993 and directed it from 2004 to the final celebration in 2014.
Tragically, Micheal Stevens passed away from stomach cancer complications on October 15th of 2015. More information can be found on the next page.
It will return when we have a President of the United States of America that cares about this nation instead of one who is tearing it down piece by piece by piece
The work is old and yes the numbers would be incorrect but the base ideology behind it is true, whats happening today reinforces my post
No it’ is not . No one man can stop Christmas no matter how big your britches .
It’s not true in any Nothing reinforces your post. Most Europeans view Muslims Favorably, even with the higher population. Who ever wrote what you posted is amateur at best when it comes to Islam and would not be taken seriously academically in that subject. Did you research the author? He is a Christian missionary. Yeah, that a viable source on Islam said no man ever. lol
Do it Anyway!!
Just look at Bosnia-Sebia in the 90’s to see he doesn’t know what he is talking about.
Here is a short Bio on the author.
Review of him and his book. “So this is the Dr. Peter Hammond whose emailed views on Islam have been read, forwarded and cited by millions as gospel, even though it takes a grand total of one minute to discover that Dr. Hammond is the last person you’d ask for objective information on anything religious or political…or on raising sons, for that matter.
Painfully obvious in “Islam Explained in Layman Terms” is Hammond’s complete avoidance of reality in Indonesia, the country with the highest number of Muslims in the world. According to The New York Times: “The overwhelming majority of Indonesians are moderate Muslims who reject violence.” Wall Street Journal: “Thankfully, the majority of Indonesians are moderate and perceive the real threat FPI [terrorists] presents to their way of life and precious civil liberties.” And this from Reuters Africa in an interview with Faisal Rahman, one of hundreds of protesters in Jakarta demanding harsher treatment of Muslim extremists: “Islam and the Prophet’s teachings show that all religions should be treated equally,” said Rahman. “This is not an Islamic nation. People should be able to worship freely.”
Like Muslim extremists and wild-eyed fanatics of every philosophical stripe, Dr. Hammond ignores truths that don’t reinforce his belief system. To him, the only proper religion for everyone is his brand of fundamentalist Christianity, so he has manipulated some statistics, ignored others and created a phony data set to convince you that Islam–the world’s second largest religion–is evil.
Evidently, “Thou shalt not bear false witness…” is not Hammond’s favorite commandment.”
who cares