Although the American people signaled loud and clear that they are fed up with the direction the elites set for this country in November, vestiges of the old order remain all too apparent.
Chief among these vestiges is the chilled effect that years of progressive posturing and political correctness has had on discourse, with many Americans afraid to exercise their constitutionally-guaranteed right to free speech out of fear that they will be hounded out of a job or home by small but vocal special interest groups should they offend said groups. This was especially the case with conservatives and libertarians, who found many of their ideas labeled as “hateful” and were discouraged and at times even ordered not to express them by authorities.
With a president who doesn’t care in the slightest about political correctness now, however, it seems that the tide is turning.
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yet they won’t arrest Muslims for praying in the streets!
Everyone can protest except Christians. Other organizations can do whatever they want and the law can’t touch them. Although I believe President Trump will end that discrimination too. Very soon I hope.
The Christians should sue the city
While Muslims block city streets in Dear Born to pray 5 times a day !!!!
Well it does just seem un American
The Muslims can riot but Christians are arrested ! What is wrong with this picture ? ????
Crazy bible beaters get out of politics
This is sad. This is a christain nation.
You should have wore a v****a costume! They would have welcomed you and taken pictures for the news and showed it all over the country! Sick nation we live in! Go Trump!
Yet its ok for all these idiot’s rioting!!!! Talk about rights the Christians have no rights, But thats ok just wait til our Lords comes back!!!!!