Although the American people signaled loud and clear that they are fed up with the direction the elites set for this country in November, vestiges of the old order remain all too apparent.
Chief among these vestiges is the chilled effect that years of progressive posturing and political correctness has had on discourse, with many Americans afraid to exercise their constitutionally-guaranteed right to free speech out of fear that they will be hounded out of a job or home by small but vocal special interest groups should they offend said groups. This was especially the case with conservatives and libertarians, who found many of their ideas labeled as “hateful” and were discouraged and at times even ordered not to express them by authorities.
With a president who doesn’t care in the slightest about political correctness now, however, it seems that the tide is turning.
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Chris Tankersley Baker No, it wouldn’t help unless they were with BLM or marching against our President.
An educational system which does not teach, parents who do not parent results in a society IGNORANT of their rights, their heritage and fodder for the Globalist Liberal agenda of George Orwell’s ‘1984’ , overwhelming government control over EVERY aspect of our existence. This has been stated many times as “IF YOU DON’T KNOW YOUR RIGHTS, YOU DON’T HAVE ANY!”. Take back our country, regain our freedom and EDUCATE our citizens, YOUNG and OLD!
They have a right to do this just like the protesters, except they aren’t destroying any property!
Breaking News- I am certain by now you have all heard about the shooting in a mosque. Well here is the info on that, Quebec City shooters: 2 suspects in shooting are Bashir al-Taweed and Hassan Matti, both Syrian refugees who entered last week.
He could and he did!
So we’re Muslims arrested at the airports where they blocking people by being on the ground.
Like I said.. if Christians do it….
Sure, all these protesters can scream and yell and cause problems at businesses, but a couple of people preaching Christianity is a problem? Something’s got to be done
Are you sure this is correct?