The National Religious Broadcasters is to the First Amendment, what the NRA is to the Second Amendment, fighting for the rights of Christians that have been methodically eroded by the government and other organizations. Dr. Jerry A. Johnson, the president and CEO of the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB), says, “the federal government is “pushing down” against Christian principles” and that “our government protects Islam more than Christianity.”
In an interview with The Daily Caller News Foundation, Johnson made several claims with supporting evidence, where he sees the need for a strong defense for Christian values, principles and organizations.
He contends that the Federal Communications Commission could decide that Christian broadcasting is “not in the public interest” and therefore shut it down. He points to the Internal Revenue Service’s history of going after charities and Christian organizations with tax-exempt status, as evidence that Christianity needs protecting in the United States.
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Ummm ya think
We noticed
Sad and true
Nate Cullison I found it interesting that$#%&!@*was close to a Nobel Peace winner in his early years also! The similarities are absolutely astounding! Infinitely worse as the TRAITOR’S agenda is world$#%&!@* MUSLIM destruction/conversion of the USA, his plans of extermination are even more horrific! DOJ Lynch has acquired UN assistance with FEMA indoctrination camps, as Congress has ask for Obama;s full wartime power including Martial Law!
we have jihadist in the white house working as prez lol
Lee Gillaspie wrong Lee. Christians hate equality amongst other religions
So true!!!
You Nailed That On The Head…..Hard Working American Christians, Are Quickly, Becoming The Minority, In This Country, Thru Obamas Efforts, With The Democrats Eager Help,
Terry Randall, look af your religions history when the white people came here and brought that religion here, what your religion did to the people here did you fucks ever ask for forgiveness? no, do you fuckin cocksuckers still push your b******t beliefs and ways upon others? yes, so hey fucktard guess what, youre terrorist