A new ruling out of a Colorado appeals court is forcing a custom cake baker in suburban Denver to bake cakes for homosexual marriages.
Jack Phillips, owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop, said he has no problem serving gays in his family business. But, he can’t design a wedding cake for same-sex couples as it is a violation of his Christian beliefs.
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The muslims will throw the couples and the cakes off of buildings.
Sure wish the gays woyld ask me to bake them a cake, I have a new box of Ex-Lax.
Put exlax in it and charge a huge amount to make the cake. Pull a government act and use the loop hole in the law.
This should ever happen in America. Someone being forced to do something that they don’t believe in or go along with.
So wrong !
They have to make it but doesn’t have to taste good!
Close your business and open under a new s corp
This is why indiana p$#%&!@*ed their law to protect religious beliefs
Broad is the road that leads to destruction narrow is the path that leads to salvation God for bid but if these people continue in their evil ways you know where they’re going to end up it’s a sorry fact of life
you know this is a great idea if the christian baker could set aside his appaulation at gays and use his actions and positive at$#%&!@*ude to influence those he may dislike in his personal life to bring them closer to God. Isn;t this what Jesus did, he condemned the sinful peoples actions and showed them through His words and actions the way God wants us to behave not with condemnation but by forgiving them and showing them the light of Gods grace.