It almost seems as if Donald Trump is already the president — and the media is beginning to notice.
Since Trump’s election, stocks have risen to an all-time high, the dollar has gained, and the nation’s businesses have forecasted the most optimistic business climate in years.
It’s not all speculative results, either. Trump has been busy making deals that have directly contributed to the economy. Soon after his election, the president-elect announced that his administration had struck a deal with Carrier to save 1,000 manufacturing jobs and revealed that a Japanese tech company would bring 50,000 jobs and a $50 billion investment to the United States. None of this would have happened, according to Trump, if Clinton won the election.
While the media have questioned Trump’s credentials the entire campaign, even they are beginning to notice the eagerness and competence with which Trump is leading.
See what Fox News’ Chris Wallace had to say about Donald Trump’s pre-presidency on the next page:
Drumpf Drumpf Drumpf
C.l.elder you can google it for yourself… Get it straight from the fact finder… At least 15 treasonist acts as of a month ago… Every Executive Order the Circumvented Congress , & i believe he declared war 3 times without consulting Congress & asking for & recieving permission … All of these are treasonable offenses & the list goes on… Stop getting your news from the Lamestream Biased lying assed Media , Get it from The Watchdog Sites that thru FOIA & From Congress itself & It Will Actually inform you of the truth around You…..
For not being sure of himself he sure skrewed things up for us!
Speaking of Kanye – I understand he’s at Trump tower today – may be offered a cabinet position/
Just heard this today, 2500 Costa Rican Christians refugees Obama secretly exchanged these with 2500 Muslims Australia does not want…Obama brings them here! Obama is on fast track to ruin USA in his few days left. Unbelievable!!!!!!
Bobbe Tomlinson BARF!!
Yes that is a conundrum. I doubt that but perhaps he will be entertainment at the inauguration. WHo knows? Stranger things have happened.
That’s because Obumer never was
And doing s great job to
Connie Brunkhorst