Ever since states started loosening restrictions on marijuana, the issue of whether or not they should be allowed to do so has been debated fiercely on the national level. Many advocate that states have the right to decide their own laws regarding drugs, while others, like Chris Christie, staunchly oppose their ability to do so.
In a new statement, Christie seems to have set his sights on states’ rights, taking a very staunch opposition to the idea of allowing them to decide their own drug laws.
What exactly did he saw about laws regarding marijuana?
Here we have a WOULD-BE DICTATOR with a weight problem, a temper problem, and a Voter problem..
America can’t afford to feed you.Go attack a box of $#%&!@*ies
Hey Mr. Christie, keep drinking Obama’s Magic Potion(Government control). Let me slap you with the Bill Of Rights! The Ninth Amendment, ” People’s rights are not limited to just those listed in the Cons$#%&!@*ution”. Tenth, ” Power’s not given to the Federal Government belong to the states”.
Hamburger? Looks like he French fried a whole cow and followed up with a diet drink in a 55 gallon drum.
You won’t be in power fst boy
This once promising $#%&!@* has fallen, and he ain’t getting up!
Another obama HELL NO
Back off Chris!!
This jerk needs to just drop out of the race. He doesn’t have a chance in hell of getting elected. So save face…save time…save money. Stop now.
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