Ever since states started loosening restrictions on marijuana, the issue of whether or not they should be allowed to do so has been debated fiercely on the national level. Many advocate that states have the right to decide their own laws regarding drugs, while others, like Chris Christie, staunchly oppose their ability to do so.
In a new statement, Christie seems to have set his sights on states’ rights, taking a very staunch opposition to the idea of allowing them to decide their own drug laws.
What exactly did he saw about laws regarding marijuana?
He has a real short fuse. Not sure I would want someone with a short temper having his finger on the button that could destroy us all. Not Presidential material.
like to se that one fly…
What’s Ralph Cramden up to now ?
Tell him to attack a hamburger
Leave us alone.
You’re describing 2/3rds of the Republican candidates there.
Obviously not presidential material.
We went all the way on this issue once before, you know. It was called the civil war.
He can’t dodge bullets
Change parties piece of garbage