When Rand Paul slammed Chris Christie in the GOP debate over the NSA and its violation of the 4th amendment, Christie showed just how authoritarian he is, essentially saying that we don’t have our right to privacy.
As any patriot would know, this is a flagrant violation of our rights as United States citizens. It is never logical to trade in liberty for security, but giving up liberty to feel safe is essentially half of Christie’s rhetoric.
He reinforced his statist values in a Fox interview, where he essentially threw the constitution out the window.
Christie is just taking up air time that we could be listening to TRUMP give us solutions on how to make America great again!
Were counted in Spain!antichrist come out of Spain,all the immigrats voted gor him in return they got to become American… He never cared about them so it was just to win majority vote to get him in so he can destroy America
He May as well jump on the Obama wagon.
Would someone please shut this fat, worthless, idiot the hell up. Jesus Christ!!!!!!!!!
Can you imagine that 300# mouth and 400# in the oval office. New xtra large size chairs
HAS to be an Obama follower!
Who was it that said ” Tis better to let people THINK you are stupid, than to open your mouth and speak and remove all doubt”, or something to that affect.. That describes Chris Christie.. He is a know nothing wannabe.
No surprised.
He sounds like one of the Oby Rump Rangers .