Noam Chomsky states that the “new NATO” that came about after the collapse of the Soviet Union is in reality a US-run intervention force.
“Its mission changed. The official mission of NATO became to control the international, the global energy system, pipelines. That means, to control the world,” Chomsky states.
He goes further to state that the actions of NATO could spark nuclear war and that the world is, in fact, ‘ominously close to nuclear war’.
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This PROVES that Nato and the UN are BOTH TRAITORS to the WORLD and to HUMANITY and ALL of those people IN the UN and NATO should ALL be HUNG on live TV and their MURDER and WORLD TREASON CONVICTIONS SCROLLING ALONG the bottom of the screen and the buildings that those people used because FREE housing to Veterans. And ALL the info they have in paper and on computers be opened to the PUBLIC and ANY OTHER WORLD and NATIONAL TRAITORS all be rounded up and HUNG on Treason, Traitor and World Human RIGHTS Violations.
NATO has outgrown it’s britches!
pipe dreams. they cant even control themselves
Dont we cover 50% of NATO budget
old Chomsky is still the Communist he’s always been – blame the U.S! Another obama!
we do not need no dam $#%&!@*s controlling the world – grow up idiots ! not in my lifetime !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nick. I believe it’s closer to 70%. If I’m correct
He is a moron and the communist. He hates western world
there ya have it they seek to controol the world any one else think we need out of that bunch of idotes . and the un .