Donald Trump is planning a less lavish inauguration ball than his predecessor, but that doesn’t mean it’s been devoid of drama.
Earlier this week, Donald Trump tweeted that he wanted “people,” not A-list celebrities, to attend his inauguration. And the official plans reflect this back-to-basics approach. While Barack Obama scheduled ten inauguration balls, Trump has planned only three. Trump has also tapped less-famous acts to perform at the celebration. The confirmed acts include Jackie Evancho, the Rockettes, and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
But not everyone is pleased to be performing for the president-elect. One Rockette tweeted “#notmypresident” after learning that she was booked to perform the inauguration — and not even the Mormon Tabernacle Choir is completely onboard with the event.
This week, one member of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir decided to quit rather than sing for the president-elect. She did so, apparently, because she thinks Trump is basically Hitler.
Read the nonsense reason why she resigned from the choir on the next page:
This was the losers hero
Asked the same and no replies. I guess they believe the media instead of actually checking the facts.
One out of how many? Not too bad.
She’s clearly ignorant!!!
An individual with this little class and so little knowledge of history, doesn’t deserve to be within 10,000 miles of any president’s inauguration.
$#%&!@* is leaving on the 20th. Liberals are to blind /stupid to understand that.
Good. Would not want her to sloil this important day. She should national unity however. Such shame that librals are so mean and hateful. Doing everything they accused republicians would do if Trump lost. Republicans have always taken the high road. You can see all the dirty tactics and down right thugs harming and destroying property and citizens.
Republicans have never committed the crimes against people as the libral intolerable democrats.
Where do these people get their info, Obama is more like hitler
Dumb short sited broad