Donald Trump is planning a less lavish inauguration ball than his predecessor, but that doesn’t mean it’s been devoid of drama.
Earlier this week, Donald Trump tweeted that he wanted “people,” not A-list celebrities, to attend his inauguration. And the official plans reflect this back-to-basics approach. While Barack Obama scheduled ten inauguration balls, Trump has planned only three. Trump has also tapped less-famous acts to perform at the celebration. The confirmed acts include Jackie Evancho, the Rockettes, and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
But not everyone is pleased to be performing for the president-elect. One Rockette tweeted “#notmypresident” after learning that she was booked to perform the inauguration — and not even the Mormon Tabernacle Choir is completely onboard with the event.
This week, one member of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir decided to quit rather than sing for the president-elect. She did so, apparently, because she thinks Trump is basically Hitler.
Read the nonsense reason why she resigned from the choir on the next page:
Hitler was a socialist like hillary
Entitled elitist
Either she was brain washed or she is just very ill informed feel sorry for her!
What a false nerrative ,
Stupidity abounds!
Plus, this choir member fully knew her participation was volontarry and that NO repercussions whatsoever would have happened to her for NOT appearing with the choir. She wanted 10 minutes of fame and knew a person associated with a religion with strong conservative views would get the lamestram meadia to 91st attention to her little tempertantrum.
Her Christian teaching should have thought her God loves all of you ,the good the bad, and the ugly
you can tell a liberal, they always look mad
Why can.y you people just stop give it up already