While modern society continues to discourage and take offense at stereotypes, the liberal media is oddly quiet when stories break out that give credence to them. A Chinese restaurant in Lilitz, PA was caught with deer brains, heads and other unidentifiable body parts on their premises. A Pennsylvania newspaper reported that the New China House restaurant in Lilitz was handed eighteen violations and ruled out of compliance by the Pennsylvania Game Commission earlier this month.
The Pennsylvania Game Commission is currently investigating the restaurant after inspectors reportedly found animal parts that weren’t exactly part of your standard Chinese food menu. The owner, who would only be identified as “Chun” told journalists that the restaurant does not sell deer meat, and the those animal parts were being used for a soup he was going to make his wife.
Mr. Chun obviously isn’t as good at lying as he is at breaking the law. If it was for a soup, why did inspectors remove four trash bags worth of food from the restaurant. His wife must have been very hungry.
Read more about this on the next page.
New Chinese cook book:
101 ways to wok your dog
Deer wont hurt ya……but there not supposed to lie
Sounds like a restaurant I want in my neighbor
John you don’t know me as I can tell you also do not know about the 2nd admendant
I quit eating Chinese a while back after getting a hint from an ER nurse.
Umm, ewww!!
And they like DOG as well, gross !!
Americans,Canadians,and Europeans are told entry level positions are not supposed to be livable waged positions.To live in groups of youths..But they say they are wages above the poverty line..Then with super high cost tuition’s even if you get free tuition over 50% of degree grads are not even hired..This as the same lying deceiving are Developing nations to send more Corporate degree work out of nation to join the ones sent out by outsourcing,downsizing,and closures after they were built in places like Russia,China,and many other ones..THIS MYTHOLOGICAL ABOVE POVERTY LINE WAGES ARE A PERMANENT WAY OF LIFE because of all the above that stops hiring after graduation,that gets you told you are under qualified or over qualified..ALL THIS AS THEY POUR IN MORE IMMIGRATION,REFUGEES,LIFETIME WORKER VISA FOREIGNERS,AND ILLEGALS,,After all the outsourcing,relocation’s,downsizing’s,closures,automation,robotics..with 100 million Ethnic Diversity immigrant citizens being murder in mass in the next three months by no food stamps for those not with kids supplying the slavery killing machine..1 out of 99 in cages ding free labor giving these same liars and deceivers 800 billion a year the use to build more in China,Russia,and Developing nations world wide that will take away all degree jobs to..After they used trillions in taxes to pay for outsourcing,immigration,developing nations,refugees,wars,cages,inmate slavery cost,building up China and Russia,police spy state..and to force Inflation and Debt to massively Super high levels,While letting the infrastructure go to hell,as they build up other nations and ones they have destroyed in wars.All this with laws of everything illegal,felonies for most offences,Thousands of wars never on the medias,killer pharmaceuticals,processed foods,and more.Forcing massive poverty and severity of poverty..All as they force higher taxation,higher loan rates,more foreclosures,and mass millions of pennies on the dollar asset allocation of businesses,technology,inventions,intellectual properties,corporations,rental properties,hotels,motels,and myriads more all by Spy State,CIA Analyst,FBI,Open border illegal drugs,Prohibition,Drug War,Set ups,Planted drugs,Market manipulation,Insider trading,International trade,immigration,rigged markets,laws,policies,regulations,forced overpopulation for forced supply and demand,forced crimes,forced market bubbles bursting,and myriads more with all of the above..All so we have a not equal life and death system of laws,economics,education,wages,religions,and more..So we live in no real ownership,are taxed to pay for our own cages and murders by cages,police state,spy state,wars,immigration,outsourcing,and more as they seize what we have for back taxes,crime that is forced and no crime forfeiture,confiscation,asset allocation,search and seizure,paid set up artist professionals,planted drugs or evidence,forced high interest rates forcing foreclosures and repossessions..LAND OF THE FREE MY GODDAMNED$#%&!@*REAL OWNERSHIP MY GODDAMNED$#%&!@*EQUALITY MY GODDAMNED$#%&!@*LAWS OF JUSTICE MY GODDAMNED$#%&!@*..Read all of the above and let it sink in..Read it a few times..pass it on..All this above evil$#%&!@*is nothing more and nothing less than TERRORISM,TREASON,ABUSE,TORTURE,MIND WAR,NEGLECT,SLAVERY,THEFT BY FRAUD,RUINING PEOPLE,DESTROYING PEOPLE,AND MASS MURDER BY GENOCIDE..Go ahead fighting their wars,policing their streets,getting degrees working for their corporations,getting their loans,using their credit,doing free slavery inmate labor,working for,obeying,and behaving for them as they murder you and your kids of…After all the by the above forced waste,forced massive pollution and toxins,forced wars,forced crimes,forced poverty and homelessness,forced mental illness and insanity,forced disabilities,and murders..This is your true nations..No real ownership,no real equality,taxed to pay for others profits they also profit by never paying us back used to cage all the way to murdering us,As they kill us by pollution,toxins,chemicals,mind war,economics,trade,immigration,pharmaceuticals,vaccines,no work,below livable wages,illegal drugs,hunger,starvation,inflation,debt,as they are even wiping out lifetimes of retirement savings..All of it by propaganda,induction,faith,trust,medias,technology,psychology,tell a vision,indoctrination,coercion,peer pressure,social engineering,contradiction,mind war,confusion,stress,fear,sadness,mind control,and brainwashing,NPL,Subliminal messages,Flash rate mind control,and more..All by their Universities,Medias,Corporations,Religions,Governments,Banks,Monetary funds,human mass no consent experiments on us citizens results used for the above…What freedom is there to protect or defend?Now they are pouring in refugees along with millions of immigrants,and millions of foreigners with lifetime work visas..As it also forces abortions,birth control,death by malnutrition,sterilization forced in cages or by chemicals,vaccines,and the like..
i thought it was road kill long time ago now its confirmed.
As long as it taste good and is safe to eat who cares