New satellite imagery has shown that China may have started construction on a new aircraft carrier. This would be their second one, in addition to refurbished Soviet-era flattop they finished sea trials with last year. When the construction is finished, it’ll be China’s first carrier made in their country. But images leaked from The National Interest shows that it doesn’t look very much like a carrier at all, which is to be expected, considering that China doesn’t have the experience or skill to make anything like modern U.S. carriers. Perhaps this is why they’re so interested in hacking American intelligence.
Go to the next page to read more about the carrier.
The English have been carriers like this for years. The slanted deck allows more altitude on and less speed on takeoff and keeps the ship smaller. Problem is- Can’t carry many aircraft
Let’s just give them the Clintons
So let’s just sit on your$#%&!@*and let them catch up huh?
Looks like a sand pan
When I saw the picture the first thing that came to mind was ” I don’t think that is what they mean by half pipe”
VTOL platform?
My sailor son is taking part in the annual RINCOM exercise off of Hawaii in which the Red Chinese navy is taking part next month. I wonder why we are letting them join us when you hear of their recent aggression in the South China Sea.
and guess who payed for it …
“The USA has the most powerful in the world!” Yeah, right. Can we defeat the combined forces of China, Korea, Iran, russia, South America, etc, all while suffering devasting guerilla warfare on our own soil from the millions of enemy soldiers that we welcomed with open arms?
we have them, why not other countries, we do not own the world.