New satellite imagery has shown that China may have started construction on a new aircraft carrier. This would be their second one, in addition to refurbished Soviet-era flattop they finished sea trials with last year. When the construction is finished, it’ll be China’s first carrier made in their country. But images leaked from The National Interest shows that it doesn’t look very much like a carrier at all, which is to be expected, considering that China doesn’t have the experience or skill to make anything like modern U.S. carriers. Perhaps this is why they’re so interested in hacking American intelligence.
Go to the next page to read more about the carrier.
Is that a shoe horn?
prison for Obama, Clintons and their minions
If you see them close you can tell they’re not
There are very few countries that have that kind of firepower. And our Carriers would be far from defenseless.
I have ever admiration for those who create web sites and other medium and venues like this. I am in Thailand, 75, and sick of what I see Mr. Obama has been able to do to America, the country and government. Nevertheless, Faracon (spelling?), of the Chicago’s Nation of Islam has been promoting African-American racism without restraint for at lest 50 years. My deepest respect for Fox News, its conservative news casters who tolerate the Democratic forum visitors, and the dying visibility of American patriots who are labeled everything but patriots. Robert Brill, USAF (Ret)
Cool boat tho but imagine the s.s. I’m on a boat
I’m thinking pirates
not same sentence.
Where is rusha?