New satellite imagery has shown that China may have started construction on a new aircraft carrier. This would be their second one, in addition to refurbished Soviet-era flattop they finished sea trials with last year. When the construction is finished, it’ll be China’s first carrier made in their country. But images leaked from The National Interest shows that it doesn’t look very much like a carrier at all, which is to be expected, considering that China doesn’t have the experience or skill to make anything like modern U.S. carriers. Perhaps this is why they’re so interested in hacking American intelligence.
Go to the next page to read more about the carrier.
Looks like a British carrier of old
Lousy click bait title
And to think, we made China what it is today.
I like these flip nose carriers.
You can’t see$#%&!@*form the deck.
Americans have no leader to lead us in war
Well we have all the tech and still cant conquer afghan.
That’s the most ignorant post I’ve seen today
No he did not: you morons. Gps was around in 73.
John Beaumont must be liberal. One person says something, so you group everybody in it. (_0_)
China isn’t interested in being a global power. But a regional one. They want to cow India, the Phillipines and others, and retake Taiwan and be on parity with Japan.