New satellite imagery has shown that China may have started construction on a new aircraft carrier. This would be their second one, in addition to refurbished Soviet-era flattop they finished sea trials with last year. When the construction is finished, it’ll be China’s first carrier made in their country. But images leaked from The National Interest shows that it doesn’t look very much like a carrier at all, which is to be expected, considering that China doesn’t have the experience or skill to make anything like modern U.S. carriers. Perhaps this is why they’re so interested in hacking American intelligence.
Go to the next page to read more about the carrier.
Usa arm forces need to keep n eye on China they r or to be trusted especially with that vessels u looking at it may be soon coming near are waters, iam telling you 4 real,peace
It may not be a great aircraft carrier by our standards, but will give the Chinese regional power and the United States justification to sustain and expand its Naval capabilities!
Another misleading headline.
Let’s start our own rumor:
Its a floating internal dry dock do carrying subs out to see un-noticed by satilites.
Mispelled words are intentionally added to facilitate facebook grammar$#%&!@*s and draw attention away from this national security risk.
You realize Japan holds more of our debt then China does right? And what China hols amounts to only about 4 to 6 percent of our debt. So they hold almost nothing.
1.26 trillion is what “owe” China. Almost nothing when compared to our total debt. Or the fact that Japan holds more of our debt than China.
And why would we ever give them any of our carriers?
I find the arrogance funny doesn’t China make just about everything in the world. They have enough money to buy technology
If they try to make our debt payable and we don’t pay them, what in the actual$#%&!@*are they going to do about it??? Nothing.
That missile requires such a huge about of things to all success and go right plus then ABM technology and electronic defenses… It’s not a sealed deal by any stretch