New satellite imagery has shown that China may have started construction on a new aircraft carrier. This would be their second one, in addition to refurbished Soviet-era flattop they finished sea trials with last year. When the construction is finished, it’ll be China’s first carrier made in their country. But images leaked from The National Interest shows that it doesn’t look very much like a carrier at all, which is to be expected, considering that China doesn’t have the experience or skill to make anything like modern U.S. carriers. Perhaps this is why they’re so interested in hacking American intelligence.
Go to the next page to read more about the carrier.
Looks like an hms ship with a similar ramp .
America NEEDS Trump and now!
It’s not a curtain, it’s a ISLAND!
obama’s military.
Its a gen1 carrier. Its not meant to be much more than a proof of concept, so they can engineer something better. Typical of their military strategy of reverse engineering.
Guys…come on…it has (16) on it…that’s not from China.
Most of the world uses the Arabic numeral system, which us what you see.
Will it run?
Ah, so you want everyone to vote for a mentally unstable liberal with the the mentality of a 5 year old? No thanks.
Drones and cruise missle. Long range, small, very fast, missles. Small subs. Satellite tracking. Superior numbers. Uncompromised intel. Fearless leadership. This is what the future of global naval superiority requires, they don’t have it, yet.