With all of the news regarding foreign nuclear arms in recent weeks, it’s starting to feel like a lot of countries have it out for America. The most popular choice of weapon seems to be submarines. In the wake of discovered plans for Russia’s unmanned nuclear submarine, China has upped their game with a new submarine armed with nuclear ballistic missiles capable of striking the United States.
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Obozo said the colder war is over…POTUS FAILURE
Not scary. The Chinese are not very smart. I don’t expect them to attack anybody but smaller islands in their own area.
We do….however, sadly we have drove Him out of our nation. Now judgment awaits us.
You are right this nation has turned their backs on him and will be judged.
Praise God he has given each of us a savior to put our trust in, and the will to choose him over the politics of the U.S.
My comment was based on the future coming of our king rather than on the future of America. As Christians we have nothing to fear.
“Humble Strength”
We the People of the United states of America
One nation under GOD
#yuge #trump #trump2016 #silentmajority #landslidevictory #cnn #foxnews #msnbc Trump gets ford to stay in USA … Ford threw Trump a bone and said they will not build the 25 billion dollar plant in Mexico as planned instead in Ohio where is the silent news media… New agenda Media why is Trump the only person talking policies? Because he is not controlled by you or the Big agenda money… Alert: New Tax plan coming out on Tuesday Great tax plan… The agreements of old Nafta and cafta are only free for other countries We are getting robbed blind….
The US is 20 trillion in Debt could someone we the people are the most giving country in the world. We give so much we are borrowing Chinese money to try and buy support from around the world … We need to get out our shovels and start building jobs, We need a leader to to create jobs not miss important votes in senate…. Ummm how can we payback the 20 trillion….. Let us let in 100,000 refugees and all the costs that go with them….. Wake up America our credit card is maxed out time to cut it up for the future of our children. The bias media does not want to talk about the issues….Well the “Big Super Pac” money is getting ready to be spent on attack ads…. these are people donating to the presidential candidates with agendas and a lot of money Coke brothers are getting ready to spend 900 million on commercials….George Sorrose spends millions also on Hillary…. The Media likes to bash because they are going to get the money from these super pacs in the form of commercials….. Roger Ailes is going to benefit from this money in forms of Bonus…. Now think about it we can help the Pope with global warming and help our country ….. tax the companies that are shipping goods in from around the world tax China Tax Japan , Tax Mexico , Tax all with 35% tax on imports…. those countries do not have EPA Regulations and are ruining the environment…..Give a tax break to companies who want to create jobs here and ship products out…. Really wake up American media and Fellow Americans this country was founded on “One country under God”…..and We the People are ready to take it back…..
Sink it like they have to some of our vessels
Well that bit of News should make every ones day.
All of their and our subs are capable of thisrussias too
Thank God we are cutting our navy down to such low levels we can’t track a bass boat!
listen drop your guns an fight against isis not russia not china I aint fighting no russin troops or china troops I’d rather stand down by them, if use don’t another nuke war will happen just stand down an don’t be stupid an drop them or your country will suffer becasuse off obama just please stand down, share this to all american troops an see if they stand down an don’t fight them