Our ever so elegant President has, once again, offended other nations by being less than genteel.
China actually threw him in with the wives club for an official photo, which Obama unwittingly allowed. This not only disgraced our President, but our entire nation as well.
His offenses?
First, Obama chose to not accept the same limo transportation as the leaders of other nations, but instead chose to use an American car, an offensive act of hubris.
Second, he was caught casually chewing gum upon his arrival at an economic summit in Beijing, which was considered very bad manners and met with much criticism.
This actually wasn’t the first offensive ‘gum chewing’ act Obama has perpetrated.
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bull sh** the country on the move until the last election!! at least the president has not caused any depression like the last republican president did!!!! count your blessings today in two years they will all be gone!!!!
Should have put him behind the tallest person so we would not have to see him.
He’s China’s little bitch.
Isn’t he “Special”?
I am sorry I thought ya’ll were AMERICANS!
I did not know most are you are less than a piece of $ H ! T who are worthless PHUCKING BIGOTS! PHUCK ALL OF YA”LL
Wow, and people wonder why the world sees Americans as uneducated, ignorant $#%&!@*s. These comments show the level of ignorance our citizenry has achieved. Obama is respected a lot more than G.W. was. It’s not that he’s a bad president, it’s that so many of you are straight-up racists.
he is such a disgrace to America
@helen butt hurt much? The president refuses negotiations doesn’t negotiate with anybody forces things thru executive order and abbotts worthless?… He shoulda been impeached years ago
Hey BARBARA are you MAD that a BLACK AMERICAN nah wait A MORE EDUCATED MORE RESPECTED AMERICAN WHO IS BLACK IS MORE POWERFUL RICHER AND CLOSER TO HEAVEN THAN YOU, and the rest of you bigots will ever be??? Oh I hope the GOP keeps putting work restrictions on welfare as they should also include EDUCATION RESTRICTION!!! That way the sick and poor bigots will died faster and uneducated like you.