Our ever so elegant President has, once again, offended other nations by being less than genteel.
China actually threw him in with the wives club for an official photo, which Obama unwittingly allowed. This not only disgraced our President, but our entire nation as well.
His offenses?
First, Obama chose to not accept the same limo transportation as the leaders of other nations, but instead chose to use an American car, an offensive act of hubris.
Second, he was caught casually chewing gum upon his arrival at an economic summit in Beijing, which was considered very bad manners and met with much criticism.
This actually wasn’t the first offensive ‘gum chewing’ act Obama has perpetrated.
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Our national images has nothing to do with Obama chewing gum. It comes from the fact that the former great democracy now allows the wealthy oligarchs to buy elections, and to finance smear campaigns against political opponents. Shame on you liars!
Scum is what Scum does!
He should be relegated to the sad box.
Trading insults.
How embarrassing
Complete Disgrace To The Wrold
Thats because they know obummer is a CLOSET QUEEN
Just shows you how he is thought of outside of this country. He is a loser.
Lol maybe he can pick up some knitting tips or how to start a silk worm farm.