A 3D simulation of China versus the United States has surfaced. And, in light of their five warships entering American waters near Alaska, as well as the military parade showing off a large number of cruise and ballistic missiles displayed this scenario, the video plays out in a very real, and quite spooky tone.
See video next page:
It was requested by Obama
There is so much corruption in DC you couldn’t shake a stick at it.
Return to the Original intent and Spirit of The Cons$#%&!@*ution. Return to God and the Ten Commandments. Otherwise, deal with the eventually.
And China wants their gold back and we spent it all hahaha
Are you sure? If that’s the case South Korea wouldn’t be on the map today.
Because hussein obama is a muslim $#%&!@*
We turned our back to God, His hand of protection is lifting away from us and He’s allowing our enemies to no longer fear us and come against us. Righteous judgement is coming America. Repent.
I feel like most people commenting didn’t even watch the video or know what they’re (Chinese) saying. Nowhere in the video did it say they were attacking America nor were any of the topographical representations were that of ones that you would find in America. People need to stop reading the headers and making comments based off of the article headline.
Just looked like a newer version of Battlefield 4
Because Obama told them to.
Why do we likewise have simulations of attacks against Russia and China ??? If you answer mine you’ll find the answer to yours is the same