A 3D simulation of China versus the United States has surfaced. And, in light of their five warships entering American waters near Alaska, as well as the military parade showing off a large number of cruise and ballistic missiles displayed this scenario, the video plays out in a very real, and quite spooky tone.
See video next page:
Safdar, you’re a tard. Shhh, quit talking.
This is no joke that’s a declaration of war
The only ones that should be scared are EA, because the graphics were sweet… when does this game come out?
OMG I was thinking the same thing the other day!! I was watching a show on revelations and they said a world leader that came from the sea ( Hawaii ) and a world religious leaders would be the two that leads it!
Hmm ????
Either it was done in a virtual video land or we have major problems, if in virtual video land then we have nothing to be concerned about in physical realm. Since virtual is just that virtual . it fun but it not real physical realm. And trust do like idea of where in reality we never take each others lives in natural , rather where can just play the game to where we can always live to fight another day. My prayer and hope is that if God did give me a reward for not Denying Christ in front of men, that can happen but where we never really get trapped in a virtual world. God Bless plus I would go look for my son the good lord blessed me with period if something like that ever tried to happen and pull him out . after all gave that my man as in his biological father would look out for him period. So me and him are literal each other body guards period. Love everyone but outside of Christ and making sure work so can pay bills and of course feed him as well he comes first .
because they can!!!!
Because we are the strongest and most powerful nation in the world! No matter how bad the past 7 years have been with demilitarizing our nation by the democraps and Obummer, we are the gold standard by which militaries go by and want to test there strength.
Just drop an emp and watch them tear their self apart.
Because America the cause of the destruction of the world, and all the people hate America