The world has become a more dangerous place over the past couple of weeks. While there are many conflicts that seldom make the headlines, just the ones that do are enough to give one pause.
We recently witnessed the gas attack in Syria that killed almost 100 people followed by a surprise barrage of cruise missiles launched by U.S. warships at the airfield from which the gas attacks were allegedly launched. This created the expected crisis in relations between the U.S. and Russia. If there was hope of relations between those two countries improving under President Trump, it would certainly seem that goal has been set back considerably.
We’re also witness to the regular provocations and belligerency of Kim Jong-un of North Korea. Could President Trump be getting ready to deal with that problem? It seems possible since a U.S. aircraft carrier battle group is on its way to the Korean peninsula. And we now learn of Chinese troop movements near its border with North Korea.
More on page two.
Haven’t seen anything on this anywhere else. Could be false
Have to take note of where the Chinese are stationed. They’re stationed on the China and North Korean border. They are supposed to be allies with Korea so you would think they would be in North Korea. Not on the outside. Truck probably set something up with them
I hate when everyone thinks that an aircraft carrier is just a platform that just sits on the top of the water and launches/recovers aircraft. Thank god some of us have actually lived on one. That aircraft carrier has at least 60 attack aircraft, 4 Hawkeyes and about 10 helos. It’s equipped with CIWS, the NATO Sea Sparrow and RAM components. But when you see an aircraft carrier all you see is the floating platform, well there’s a reason why they call it a carrier strike group. 4-5 destroyers usually two subs and logistics ships somewhere close, not only that but I’m sure they’ll station the THAAD and the Aegis in front to further increase air defense capabilities. North Korea’s air power is regulated to a few Soviet era aircraft, no match for the F/A 18. China is deploying the troops in order to circumvent a humanitarian crisis that could be larger than the Syrian civil war, it makes sense that they would pre position troops in order to anticipate the inevitable fallout if and when the regime in Pyongyang falls.
F**e news
Border guards so the North Koreans don’t run to China !
China is just sealing the northern border against a mass exodus.
NK keeps up its bravado, gets warned several times.
Trumpster asks China to help, but China says, “Kimi no listening!”
Trump says, “We make him listen together or we get rid of him.”
China says, “Ok” and sends 150,000 troops to defend their border from mass exodus- or are ready to help secure the place after Kims govt topples.
Trump sends a new Carrier Group to the region after conducting many training operations in S.Korea and simulations of possible decapitation strikes.
Kim’s govt tells Kim, “Hory sheet, you push too far!!” And some officials start defecting.
$#%&!@*just got real. Lol.
That’s right get them all grouped up in one place it’ll be alot easier to take them all out!!
Today’s lesson for Kim Jong Un . Look around you…to the west is China’s 150,000 man army marching to your border. To the north, Russia has missiles pointed in your direction. To the east, Japan has scuds and missiles pointed at you, and in South Korea there are USA war ships in the South China Sea, pointed in your direction. We suggest that you think very seriously if you even set off a firecracker! United Nations failed to make you see the seriousness of your actions. So your “neighbors” are speaking to you forcefully. We suggest you NOW make peace, not war.