If there’s one thing (among many) that the United States government has continuously failed to protect over the past few years, it’s the personal information and email accounts of their own people. After the recent data breach that targeted the Pentagon and exposed nearly 4000 federal employees, the United States has once again become the target of cyber terrorism. The latest attack is believed to come from China, in an email grab originally codenamed “Dancing Panda” which – during this era of the socially conscious – doesn’t sound racist at all.
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Whatever china says is not true. Just keep repeating that.
That’s good tell them to forward them to trey gowdy
Theyve already tried to get into UVA’s system.
PrisonPrison PrisonPrison PrisonPrison PrisonPrison
Then ask them to send us Hillarys please
Maybe we can ask them to give us Hillarys emails back.
That’s what happens when they get greedy and sell the USA OUT.
Maybe they will hack the u.n and tell us what’s really going on China has the info sent it to Russia why you think the only countries obama trys to look tough against is China and russia
DONT TELL ME THEY SAW HILLARY CLINTONS EMAILS THAT DONT EXIST?? Maybe the DOJ should contact China for copies of the missing emails, LYING CRIMINAL BITC$ !
Commies and trouble makers! They have nothing else better to do! P&B