According to officials, this cyber intrusion was first noticed in 2010, which begs the question: why has it taken them so long to do anything about it? And let’s not forget that this spans the time period in which the Hillary Clinton email scandal took place.
China’s cyber spies have accessed the private emails of “many” top Obama administration officials, according to a senior U.S. intelligence official and a top secret document obtained by NBC News, and have been doing so since at least April 2010.
The email grab — first codenamed “Dancing Panda” by U.S. officials, and then “Legion Amethyst” — was detected in April 2010, according to a top secret NSA briefing from 2014. The intrusion into personal emails was still active at the time of the briefing and, according to the senior official, is still going on.
In 2011, Google disclosed that the private gmail accounts of some U.S. officials had been compromised, but the briefing shows that private email accounts from other providers were compromised as well.
The “Dancing Panda” campaign revealed in the 2014 NSA briefing paper was among more than 30 “intrusion sets” launched by China that the NSA and other intelligence units identified last year in classified documents.
The NSA declined to comment.
In this new digital age, countries can go to war with each other without actually firing a bullet. This is why cyber-security should be a priority for the government. However, with all of the scandal surrounding these hacks and the complete disregard certain government officials have shown for sensitive information, this could be just the beginning.
For more information, please visit NBCNews
Great to know our enemies know more about pour corupt Gov’t than we do!
They been hacking every thing not just her server so to lay it on one person it all go s back to the master spy Daddy Bush do your home work
Let’s ask the NSA why we are using human trafficking to get are spy’s all in Asia & others turnering the Bay into a brothel
Mabe whole world knows all the e mails of hill by heart…the whole computer system is so all in one basket what a security joke should kept old school its full of stealth
Dear American friends we need your help, please share this post about genocide one of the old nation in the world: yezidis, the world should open the eyes and prevent this crime against humanity… please help our nation
Not only china . Many other Nations. Too
And Hilary made it easier for them.
They should send Hillary’s e mails to congress
I doubt they will prove anything on her she cleaned that up before she released her phone . I wished China would release what they have.