The days when America was truly free feel like distant memories, and as the future approaches, more and more groups are looking to assert themselves over others.
It’s evident in the sad, every day events that we see in the media, whether it’s over race, political groups or religion.
And now with the United Nations becoming another threat to American freedom, China is getting in on the power grab by calling for global governance with international rules set by the UN.
Read more about these demands on the following page.
New World order comming
They are taking over and the United States government isn’t doing anything about it.
No ! Like days of ole , rebel !
the top order wants to take our sovereignty and burn our constitution for some one world order ??????????????? no one is privy to the plan to enslave most of the world’s population
I’ve been hollaring that for 6 years.
Yet another reason to bail out of the UN.
We already have the un, look what a putred mess it is.
and let us all guess whom they want to head all of it
I hope chin goes to war with the us over there