The U.S. economy is still struggling from the 2009 recession, and many companies are also still recovering, in spite of the reassurances from the Obama administration that all is well. One way to recognize that there are problems is by noting the number of U.S. companies that are being sold to the highest foreign bidder, which includes 102 mergers and acquisitions by Chinese companies so far this year. Included are General Electric’s sale of its appliance business to Qingdao-based Haier, Zoomlion’s $3 billion bid for the heavy-lifting-equipment maker Terex Corp., and ChemChina’s record-breaking deal for the Syngenta, valued at $48 billion.
China’s buying spree is due, in part, to a slowdown in the Chinese domestic economy, and cheap prices for U.S. properties as companies seek to unload less profitable or unsustainable businesses. In a survey of China based-businesses, almost half said that the U.S. was an attractive market for investment, though 47% felt that U.S. laws and regulations were a major barrier. That is indicative of the decreasing international standing of the U.S. in surveys evaluating economic freedom and ability to conduct commerce. It could also represent the mindset of legislators like Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton who seek to move the United States towards socialism and away from free enterprise.
U.S. business sell-off not a slam dunk, page 2:
Who’s selling them. Americans
America will continue to lose jobs if we don’t stop our jobs from going overseas or neighboring countries like Mexico
Why do you think that they’ve loaned us billions to rebuild our infastructure ? Just a little fore sight might have given us a heads up. When was the deal done and who sold us down the river ? Never mind , we know the answer .
Look and see how much of our farming acreage they own…
it is illegial for a foreign country to buy any company in the USA, they can only buy a certain percent of it.
They wont buy it if america wont sell it. So who is the sellout?
Stop it now money greedy people selling America away
Yep, it’s a free for all in our country. Canada, Russia, Norway, Britain , Saudis, they’re buying our mines and raping our lands. I don’t see the $19 trillion debt going down though.
Obama making it possible another way to bring down America the country he hates