They may claim otherwise, but there’s no question that China gave Obama the snub on his recent arrival in that country for the G20 summit of world leaders. And it was more than just one incident, it was actually a collection of incidents that demonstrated that the Chinese are less than impressed with Mr. Obama.
We’re all familiar with the stairs that are pushed up to the airplane that a smiling, waving president descends as he’s greeted in royal fashion at the bottom and escorted along a red carpet to his waiting motorcade.
Didn’t happen this time. Instead Mr. Obama got something very different.
Sure, you keep telling yourself that!!! Lol!
He has just about destroy our country, but I think that he really has no idea, how strong a spirit of loving one’s country is.
I think it was Bush’s fault.
they should have welded the exits shut and send him on his way !
That commie flag & Obama were made for one another
no they snubbed him in a big is what it is barry.
obama is doing his best to get us into a war..Leave this country in shambles!!
Trump has been saying this all along but the Libs out there don’t listen.
Once we get an Honest man in the whitehouse like Donald Trump we will be a proud nation once again,,, and Obama and all his muslim cronnies are thrown out of our government ..Then our country will have a chance at living again ..Donald Trump & Mike Pence is the ones to clean up our country that the Obama & Hillary Administration has wrecked…l just hope all the people in this country does the right thing and Votes for TRUMP he is our last hope of having a decent life in America ,,lts a proven fact that all the democrats have done was destroy our country and caused us americans to live in a life of pure hell all because of thier Greed and love of power..The Democrats are all for money & power never to help the poor american have a decent life and then they make fun of the ones that wants America to Prosper and be happy ..Think about this what real President will Fund a nation that hates America and wants our destruction? ..Ok we have a Black President did he help the Black & hispanic people ? Hell no he only helped himself and his Muslim Cronies Not the american people …Donald Trump & Mike Pence is Honesty and TrustWorthy so why don’t we AMERICANS give them a chance of proving themselves all gave Barry Soetoro AKA Barrack Obama a chance and he put our nation in pure hell plus he was a F**e to begin with ,He was never vetted or had to show any papers to show he actually was who he said he was ….VOTE TRUMP /PENCE NOVEMBER 8 ….What do we Americans have to Lose …