United Airlines admitted a breach of its computer security in May and June. Investigators said it may be the same Chinese group that carried out the invasion on the Office of Personnel Management, and the operation against health insurance company, Anthem. It appears the Chinese hackers stole a sizable volume of flight information, including passenger lists. That data could be cross-referenced with stolen medical and financial files, revealing possible paths to blackmail or recruiting people who have security clearances.”
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But we love the chinks what would we do without all the garbage they sell here in the good old usa
Fukin Failure
As dangerous as Islam but don’t want to be noticed,.
That’s why they won’t release any of the info collected from killery’s secret server…… They WANT her to win, so they can blackmail her with all the secrets they know about.
Its our own fault. We voted for the fools that gave China the technology , our jobs then were stupid enough to borough trillions from this.duh
Yea and all of Hilary’s e mails also what a dumb$#%&!@*ed nation this has become
Blah blah blah
Are we outsourcing the NSA data collection jobs to China now too?