The FBI is setting up rapid response command centers around the country in anticipation of terror attacks this 4th of July. Although they state there is no specific, credible threat, officials have stated that we are sitting in the highest threat environments in quite a long time.
“These kind of warning go out routinely, but there is nothing routine about this particular one to me. I wouldn’t be surprised if we are sitting here a week from today talking about an attack over the weekend in the United States. That’s how serious this is,” says former CIA director Mike Morell.
Does that mean they will be watching the Muslim in the white house?
Hope they do better than when they received those 33 warnings about the 911 attacks.
I believe whatever is going on is not intended to benefit US citizens, Obama has been up to no good since he’s been in office it’s just accelerated since he was re-elected bt the clueless once more. The guy is “FISHY”!!!!
Why don’t they tell public where they are we can clean them up
im sure the threats are from “right wing extremists”, if you watch cnn and msnbc that is
Yeah a great military never gives their plans out to the public. So when the smoke clears you will really see what’s up. Wonder what it is, it’s got to be about guns I’m sure. He has to try to take them so he can forward his ideology agenda.
What about the Craigslist add for crisis actors
Well we are so fortunate that Jade Helm is about to begin ! They will defend us from terrorism, cough, cough !
False flag America!