When an African American man was shot dead by police in Minnesota on Thursday, few seemed defend the shooting. At first glance, it seemed more needless than the deaths that prompted Black Lives Matter protests across the country. Of course, this shooting inspired one such march in Dallas — but Black Lives Matter’s response was much less muted. Nearly a dozen cops were shot, and five were killed.
It’s too early to blame the deaths on Black Lives Matter itself. That evidence will come later. What is clear is that many within the race-baiting organization seem to think that the killings were justified.
It has become increasingly clear that race relations have fallen apart under the Obama administration, but events such as these make it somewhat clear who is forcing the conversation in the wrong direction. While pro-cop advocates patiently wait for evidence to be collected and trials to be conducted, Black Lives Matter is taking justice into their own hands.
See Black Lives Matters’ disgusting response to the killing on the Next Page:
He has staged about 4 of these attacks, he is hoping it will cause unrest and we will riot and than he can legally call Martial Law.
Our own Government caused this, plus every Media that we have!!!
I think They are setting us all up and pushing in that direction and the black citizens are easily manipulated so this works well for their agenda.(the left, Obama, Hillary etc..) Marshall law will be the logical conclusion for the left. The ignorance of many will be our undoing.
Please remember–Dallas wasn’t really about race. It is truly about Obama/Clintons vs The American People. We need to keep exposing Hillary for what she is. They are desperate. Her polls are slipping, the investigation against her might be re-opened. We need to help Trump help us to Make America Great Again. President Trump will do a good job at handling any real racial tensions. But, please. Don’t fall for the race bit. Its all about Hillary and the elctions
and or black panther group….who are in bed with Obama.
It’s guns fault
Exactly.. We are doomed
The one did not have a carry permit.. He had an illegal gun… Yea they were upstanding citizens… Aren’t they always
Patty Miller I am ready to FIGHT! They are NOT going to get away with this. Its time for Americans to stop being so placid and letting these bullies push us around. Its obvious they think we are all stupid, complacent and naive. Well, we are NOT! There are a lot more of us than of them.