At a time when kids are encouraged to attend “Resistance Camps” over Space Camp, it’s hardly surprising that kids are being discouraged from having summer jobs. Times are changing. Not only are kids not given the freedom to explore and play outdoors, they’re also banned from mowing the grass. The difference between the grass, however, is that city ordinances and officials are enforcing the restrictions.
One city in Alabama has allowed more than just historical monuments to fall to the waysides. One would think city officials would have more pressing crimes to worry about than teenagers being hard workers. But, then again who would have thought that tearing down monuments in the dead of night would be implemented to stop people from becoming white supremacists. Those darn monuments. And those darn kids wanting to have summer jobs instead of protesting or lazing around.
Continue to the next page to find out what city this is happening in and the fine teenagers are getting stuck with for mowing grass
This is another reason as to why many youths continue to get into trouble. When they find a productive way to fit into society without causing any trouble, there are those that find it in themselvesnto take it away from them.
You would think that governments would find other things to focus their attentins on like drug trafficking, human trafficking, theft, murder, etc. Go after the true criminals and leave evertone else alone.
Stupid gets more stupid!
More liberal idiocy
Sure blame the Democrats I bet that mayor is republican most people in office in Alabama are !!!
This site just trying to divide Americans they are afraid if we all get together their asses will be gone!
Really totally fck up
I just can’t believe it? How dare these kids get off the couch and become strong human beings. Learning life by sweat, and blisters. Someone stop this madness. Just give them three thousand dollars, and take them there Desert.
Too much government trying to control everything that involves a dollar. I hope this is f**e news.
Hello, really! When I was growing-up; I was expected to go and mow the lawn and we had no brothers in my family either. Snowflake Liberals.