At a time when kids are encouraged to attend “Resistance Camps” over Space Camp, it’s hardly surprising that kids are being discouraged from having summer jobs. Times are changing. Not only are kids not given the freedom to explore and play outdoors, they’re also banned from mowing the grass. The difference between the grass, however, is that city ordinances and officials are enforcing the restrictions.
One city in Alabama has allowed more than just historical monuments to fall to the waysides. One would think city officials would have more pressing crimes to worry about than teenagers being hard workers. But, then again who would have thought that tearing down monuments in the dead of night would be implemented to stop people from becoming white supremacists. Those darn monuments. And those darn kids wanting to have summer jobs instead of protesting or lazing around.
Continue to the next page to find out what city this is happening in and the fine teenagers are getting stuck with for mowing grass
Absolutely ridiculous! !
You can’t fix stupid !
More like a hundred and fifty years
Pass ordinance making grass cutting a necessity then require a permit . Taxation is theft. Even if I doubt the legitimacy of this post I still find it alarming that it’s even possibly considered truth
Hes another on that was really sad for yrs but finally got straightened out, at one time for yrs u couldn’t legally grow your own vegetable garden on your own property within the city limits of Seattle
Nothing like some meddling by government morons to encourage youth to return to the couches, cell phones and fidget spinners. Gov’t goes out of its way to enforce its stupidity while ignoring real issues.
Stupid fucking Communists entities dictating your lives…
Jim Landry —- Mostly since WW2
Anything to cause more problems. Get rid of worthless Dems.