At a time when kids are encouraged to attend “Resistance Camps” over Space Camp, it’s hardly surprising that kids are being discouraged from having summer jobs. Times are changing. Not only are kids not given the freedom to explore and play outdoors, they’re also banned from mowing the grass. The difference between the grass, however, is that city ordinances and officials are enforcing the restrictions.
One city in Alabama has allowed more than just historical monuments to fall to the waysides. One would think city officials would have more pressing crimes to worry about than teenagers being hard workers. But, then again who would have thought that tearing down monuments in the dead of night would be implemented to stop people from becoming white supremacists. Those darn monuments. And those darn kids wanting to have summer jobs instead of protesting or lazing around.
Continue to the next page to find out what city this is happening in and the fine teenagers are getting stuck with for mowing grass
This story started a couple months ago. Lasted about a week before the city backed down.
Wellllll remember when we let the government tell us we couldn’t smoke on planes? THE SEED HAS BORN FRUIT…
More Government and State B.S. Greedy Welfare leeches living off the backs of the Tax Payers , How Pathetic can States and Government truly be !!!!!!
More of the EPA?? Or some other damn CZAR established by OBOZO?????
That’s just fucking stupid
The United States Of WTF
Don’t you think you already control too much in the government you people need to be voted out of office or ran out of office or taken out of office by any means necessary now you’re starting to interfere with teenagers trying to make some extra money for school or possibly buy their own school clothes pay for car insurance help their parents you know you gotta learn to mind your own freakin business okay if you’re not rich enough go somewhere else we don’t need your kind here you people are what’s wrong with America get the hell out before we have to take you out
And what commie state is this in?
Communism in America