Attacks against Donald Trump — however vile — should be expected. After all, the militant left knows no boundaries when it comes to attacking the opposition. But now Barron Trump is coming under attack, and sadly, this isn’t the first time.
The youngest Trump was first attacked by an SNL writer who called Barron “this country’s first homeschool shooter” on inauguration day. Another liberal comedienne, Rosie O’Donnel, once openly questioned if Barron was autistic.
But the most gruesome attack against Barron wasn’t meant for him at all — it was meant for his father. When Kathy Griffin posed with a decapitated and bloodied depiction of Donald Trump, it wasn’t the president who was most disturbed, it was Barron, who reportedly screamed and thought the photo was real.
Griffin’s photo was met with near-universal condemnation, but that didn’t stop author Ken Jennings from attacking the grief-stricken child.
See what he said about Barron Trump’s trauma on the next page:
Ella Jernigan no clearly there something drastically wrong with you LOL
You are major ignorant.
Ella Jernigan I am not the one who does not know how to spell Ella ! Ha ha ha ha ! I am also not the one bullying a little child .. so you better look in the mirror(see I i know how to spell the word! ) if you want to see ignorant! How is it that in your little pea brain you think that someone who does know how to spell ( that would be me ) is ignorant… but someone who clearly does not know how to spell ( that would be you ) is not ignorant! ha ha Ha ha ha! wow you are not only ignorant but clearly delusional as well
Dispicable. I thought of you as a winner. Is this how you want to be remembered? A man who attacks innocent children? Would you want this for your children?
Leave the Child (All Children) Alone.
You think it is ok to bully a black child. How about time about is fair play. That 11 year old has never been billied. I guess he dif not hear his dad brag about “grabbing women by the p-‘-y. Or his VietNam was he did not get an STD. Maybe he needs to listen to what his dad says
Your good days are behind u ,
Ella Jernigan what are you talking about you crazy woman ! i’ve never said a word about bullying a black child ! clearly you are mentally deranged ! If someone bullied a black child that is wrong too ! It is not OK to bully any child ! I don’t care what color they are or how rich they are or how poor they are ! If you are speaking of Obamas children I never took part in anything like that but I damn sure am not going to be like you and think that two wrongs equal a right! Do not reply to me again or I will report you to Facebook and block you! You are absolutely nuts Lady !
Unhinged bunch of losers.